Sycamore Class is an amazing class to be part of. We have lots of exciting and new things to learn over the course of this year. We are a kind and caring class, who work hard and take pride in the work we produce!
Our class teacher is Mr Thomas
Day | Homework | PE | Reading | Other |
Monday | Read for a minimum of 20 mins at home. |
Bring in reading book and diary |
Bring in water bottle |
Tuesday | Read for a minimum of 20 mins at home. |
Year 3/4 PE | Bring in reading book and diary |
Bring in water bottle |
Wednesday | Read for a minimum of 20 mins at home. |
Bring in reading book and diary |
Bring in water bottle |
Thursday | Read for a minimum of 20 mins at home. Hand in Home Learning CGP/SUMDOG |
Bring in reading book and diary |
Bring in water bottle |
Friday | Read for a minimum of 20 mins at home. Home Learning |
Bring in reading book and diary Home reads |
Bring in water bottle |
Year 3 and 4 –
Maths – SUMDOG x table check, (
Reading – Quizzing for Accelerated Reader
Week | Themes and events |
03/06/24 | RE Theme |
10/06/24 | Music Theme |
17/06/24 | Science Theme |
24/06/24 | RE Theme |
01/07/24 | PSHE Theme |
08/07/24 | Music Theme |
22/07/24 – 24/07/24 |
PSHE Theme
– |
Summer 2
Topic: Is it a Wonderful World?
To know that Brahman is the ultimate reality or life force.
To know that atman (soul) is the bit of Brahman in every living thing.
To know that deities include Trimurti; Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva and this represents the cycle of life
I will compose a pentatonic ostinato
I will sing a call and response song in groups, holding notes confidently
I will describe how a sound is made.
I will know why a sound can be high or low.
I will know why a sound can be loud or quiet.
To know that Dharma is the journey of the atman through samsara.
To know the significance of the arum symbol to Hindus.
To know the Hindu creation story and how it compares to Christianity.
Y4 –
I will know that I have the right to protect my body from inappropriate and unwanted contact
I will know some of the ways that my body and emotions will change during puberty
Y3 –
I will know that all families are different and have different family members
I will know that individuals have rights over their own bodies and there are differences between good and bad touching
I can use the internet purposefully and safely to answer specific questions
I will understand that the internet contains facts and opinions
I will play melodic and rhythmic accompaniments to a song
I will listen and identify where notes in the melody of the song go down and up
Y4 –
I will develop an awareness for e-safety
I will understand my role in keeping myself and my peers safe
Y3 –
I will understand how to make choices to improve my health and wellbeing including healthy eating and physical exercise.
Below is a link which will take you to the ‘myhappymind’ parent app. This app allows you to complete activities with your child/children, which can help you in supporting their mental health and wellbeing. Feel free to use this resource as and when you feel it would be beneficial.