
Our teacher is Mrs Mackinder

Organisational Information

DayHome Learning PEReadingOther
Monday Read at home
Read at home

Bring book & diary to school

Book change after 3+ reads
Water bottle
TuesdayRead at home

Read at home

Bring book & diary to school

Book change after 3+ reads
Water bottle
Read at home

Come to school
in outdoor PE kit;
white t-shirt, black/
navy shorts or trousers
and a black/ navy jacket or jumper (no logos)
Read at home

Bring book & diary to school

Book change after 3+ reads
Water bottle
ThursdayRead at home

Home Learning hand in

Read at home

Bring book & diary to school

Book change after 3+ reads
Water bottle
FridayRead at home

Home Learning handed out

Read at home

Bring book & diary to school

Book change after 3+ reads
Water bottle

Weekly reads counted

Key Dates For Our Class This Term

03/06/24Monday 3rd: Return to School
10/06/24Monday 10th-Friday 14th: Phonics Screening Check
Monday 10th: YMCA PE enrichment activity day
Tuesday 11th: Class photo.
08/07/24Friday 12th: Reports to Parents
17/07/24Monday 15th: Transition morning – Meet your new teacher.
Wednesday 17th: Sport day
22/07/24Monday 22nd: Award ceremony at Newark Parish Church
Wednesday 24th: Break up for summer

Welcome To Our Class.

Welcome back to school and welcome to Year 1! Below is the learning we will be completing throughout Summer Term 2

Term Summer 2

Theme – Is It A Wonderful World?

Week 1: RE
I will know what different Christians do to express their beliefs.

Week 2: Science
I will know four signs of summer.

I will know that some hours of the day are dark and others are light. 
I will know how to describe the weather in summer.

Week 3: Music
I will know how to create a dramatic group performance.

I will know how to sing a cumulative song from memory.
I will know how to play instruments to the beat.
I will know how to copy a leader in a call-and-response song.
I will know how to listen and move in time to a song.

Week 4: RE
I will know that Christians celebrate a number of festivals.

Week 5: PSHE
I will know the differences between boys and girls including agreed names for private parts.
I will know which parts of my body are private.
I will know how to look after my body.
I will know that their are good and bad secrets.

Week 6: Music
I will know how to sing a cumulative song from memory.
I will know how to play instruments to the beat.
I will know how to copy a leader in a call-and-response song.
I will know how to listen and move in time to a song.

Week 7: PSHE
I will know different things can affect my feelings.
I will know who I can go to if I am feeling worried.

My Happy Mind
My Happy Mind  link will take you to the ‘myhappymind’ parent app. This app allows you to complete activities with your child/children, which can help you in supporting their mental health and wellbeing. Feel free to use this resource as and when you feel it would be beneficial.


  • Thinkyouknow (advice from the National Crime Agency to stay safe online)
  • Internet matters (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
  • Parent info (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
  • LGfL (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
  • Net-aware (support for parents and carers from the NSPCC)

Homework Attendance School Calendar School council