Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity – National Curriculum.
Our definition for KS2 – Music is the creative understanding and composition of sounds.
Our definition for Foundation and KS1 – Music is exploring and experimenting with sounds.
Musical enquiry allows pupils to become immersed in a language that we can all speak, providing us with an alternative way of communicating. Exposure to music enables pupils to develop an appreciation of what they hear, how it makes them feel and how it can increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. It enables every child to take part, succeed and enjoy. Music can be enjoyed individually yet can bring people together, connecting us, creating bonds and memories that will last a lifetime.
‘Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.’ – Plato
Through our music curriculum we aim to widen our pupils’ knowledge, skills and understanding of music by listening, singing, playing, composing and evaluating through a variety of genres, historical periods, traditions and the work of great composers and musicians. We are committed to ensuring our pupils understand the value and importance of music in the wider community and are able to use their musical skills and experiences to immerse themselves in music, in a variety of contexts. We want our pupils to develop their own appreciation of music and, through the opportunities we provide, enable their curiosity to grow.
Through our teaching, we consistently aim to raise awareness of music as a subject and as a potential career option for the future. They should become excited and curious by music and eager to learn more,
questioning what they have learnt so far. They should be able to discuss how pieces of music make them feel and how music can be used as a form of expression. The pupils should be fully invested in the purpose of their learning and engaged through the use of instruments, technology, and making links to their experiences. Through using the scheme, Sing Up Music, the pupils will access and become expert in playing specific instruments, predominantly glockenspiels. Our pupils should not be limited by their starting points or life experiences. We will make music make a difference.
Organisation and planning
How do we teach Music?
The Sing Up Music scheme has been carefully chosen as it provides our academy with the foundation to deliver a creative programme of high-quality classroom music activity. It sets out the skills, knowledge, and understanding to be gained by all pupils at each stage of learning,. Our progressive curriculum meets the requirements of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (Expressive Arts) and the National Curriculum for Music. It also meets the suggested approaches of the Model Music Curriculum (Singing, Listening, Composing, Performance/Instrumental Performance) and the National Plan for Music Education, The Power of Music to Change Lives. Covering a broad and diverse range of repertoire, approaches, and musical traditions, the curriculum supports a fully-integrated approach to musical development, connecting seven interrelated strands:
We give pupils opportunities to learn to play musical instruments, tuned and untuned, to play melodies, add accompaniments and create short compositions with increasing confidence, imagination and control.
Foundation Stage
In the EYFS, music is experienced primarily through the Expressive Arts and Design elements of the curriculum. However, we believe music has links across the whole of the EYFS. A curriculum rooted in rhythm, spoken language and singing will develop pupils’ language and social skills, and one which finds enjoyment in pattern will develop mathematical awareness.
KS1 aims to introduce students to the basic knowledge and skills required to listen critically, create and perform music in a range of styles. The concept of the scheme is to use the same musical language, concept and skills in each unit but increase the diversity and difficulty as it progresses.
KS2 aims to continue building on student musical knowledge and skills gained at KS1 and introduce them to performing, creating and listening to more complex music. They will continue to build their musical language and will expand their group performing skills. The concept of the scheme is to use the same musical language, concept and skills in each unit but increase the diversity and difficulty as it progresses.